in studio - a little bit about a lot of nothing

January 2025
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Thursday’s Child
Filed under: General
Posted by: Jen @ 5:37 pm

I’ve got a birthday coming up, and those birthdays, they always get me thinking kinda wonky.  So, in my effort to get back in the swing of things and become a full-fledged member of the 21st century, this odd little idea dawned on me — collective poetry. 

Not something that comes to mind for most folks, but when I started “tweeting” and “facebooking”, it felt a bit pointless to me.  Why is all this garbage circulating and why are so many people interested in it?  I felt a need to make something more out of this coming together of different people — something other than the usual “blah, blah, blah.”

It got me thinking about the very first chapter in the book from my ART101 class at Iowa State University oh those many years ago.  I can’t believe I don’t have the book.  I keep everything.  At any rate, the first chapter was on “happenings.”  “Happenings” were a kind of 60s thing when a bunch of people got together to create some kind of art/art event simply by doing it.

What I propose is a happening for this day and age.  I don’t know if people today are much interested in art and poetry or not, but I see the poetry in the way we live.  It’s as beautiful and compelling as it ever was.  Thus, ”Thursday’s Child.”  I was born on a Thursday, and I still have “far to go.”

Come Friday, I will provide the theme and the first line of the poem we will collectively write.  After that, you can submit one line via my blog, email, twitter, facebook, whatever way you have to communicate to  me.  I will update our poem as your lines are submitted.  I have complete discretion over what I use and what I don’t.  Absolutely, do not use any copyrighted materials unless you hold the copyright.  You will be credited with your line and whatever contact information you provide.

On Thursdays, our poet child will come to be.

Come make a little poetry with me.




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